Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why hello there...

Hardy har har. Here I am! New revamped site where I can actually step out of my mommyness and actually speak like an adult! Excuse the swearing, it may happen a time or three or sixty seven. Can't do it around the kids and it's getting old making up words in place of swear words... Haaa.

Ok so, I only have 2 followers, and I love you both. Maybe this will change, maybe not.

So, here's the scoop.
Scott and I have been married a little over 2 1/2 years. We have been together for 4 years.
We have both come to the conclusion that our marriage is over.
Sucks, but true.
We both have way too much baggage along with trust issues, long story short.
Plus, neither of us are getting where we want in life because SUPRIZE! we want different things in life. Who knew?
Turns out marrying at a young age wasn't the best idea for us.
But we are being very civil and friendly for the sake of the kids.
Hope it lasts, but you never know.
We've never been very consistent with each other.

Anyways. Not to put a damper on Christmas fun, just needed a place to vent.
I filed divorce papers last summer but realized I was doing it for someone rather than myself and the kids. I couldn't live with it and decided I wasn't even sure if it's what I really wanted so Scott and I got back together. I do not regret in any way us getting back together after our first court date last year. This past year we had an amazing baby girl who has changed my life forever. I do feel horrible that our kids will be in a split home, but it is for the best for us all.

Will write more soon as things gets more exciting or more depressing. Either way.